WELCOME!!!!!! Read the blue words!!!

Hey all you gorgeous people! So if this is your first time to take a look I would definitely recommend starting from the bottom and working your way up through the posts. There is lots of information and I don't want you to miss out!

If this isn't your first time well then its your lucky day! I have posted TWO posts! One is a video! So whether you are in your car reading on your phone (which is not recommended), taking a trip to your morning "library", or just not in the mood to do work yet, have a read!! And when your done then have an awesome day!!!

Oh! I almost forgot! If you become a follower of the blog I will bring you back a souvenir from my trip!!! If you don't care about an awesome souvenir then enter your email address in to the right. This way you will get notified only when there is a new post! I will not send you any junk mail... unless you consider the words coming out of my mouth to be junk :).

Also don't be a hog! If you are enjoying what you are seeing then tell people! They don't have to know me and they don't have to be WELS to read this blog!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Introduction to Series: "EXODUS 16"

It has been a very interesting last couple of days. What I left out of my last blog was my observations and conversations that I have had with the numerous people that have entered into the LECC Rescue Center’s doors.

On my first day alone at the center (02/04/2012) I had about five visitors in the morning. It was obvious what these visitors had come for. They enjoyed the warm room with out a doubt. In fact as soon as you walk out of the doors in the hallway it is so cold you see your breath. That’s why I keep the room extra toasty! Some of you who know me well are likely surprised by this, I am not a fan of hot places and living in cold weather is what I love.

This isn’t the main reason they walked through our doors. The main reason they walked through those doors that day was because they were cold. Plain and simple, it was freaking cold out and even someone like me needed a coat. They were very aware of what the center had offered to other people. They asked me “Do you have any blankets?” (In Japanese of course). And guess what I was able to say?!

I found Mushu from MULAN!!!!
Nope! But I have socks!?! The look on their face was all I needed and I knew exactly what they were thinking… “oooooo socks! I need those because my feet have been numb for the last week and a half… I could use that!” They did not actually say this to me but it doesn’t mean they weren’t thinking it. Do you know though what else they asked me? “Are you going to get more blankets? Thank you for the socks but will you be getting any other supplies? When do you think that will come? My response: “I am really sorry. I don’t know. But please come back and check and I will see what I can do.”

Later on that morning two older women came to the center. They were there for the same reason as the others. My response to them was the same. This time though the ladies stuck around for a while and allowed me to serve them some coffee. We actually had a great conversation (ish). As good as you can have when you are still working on your Japanese. About mid way through our conversation English class came up. I offered to teach them English. Their response; “LOL, how about you learn Japanese… we have bigger things to worry about right now.” I am going to go out on a limb right now and say that they were talking about all that destruction the Tsunami did almost a year ago… just a guess.

So this got me thinking. What am I doing here? I mean I know what I am doing here but do you know what I am doing here? And better than that do you know what you are doing there?

These questions have driven me to do some thinking and some research the past couple of days. What I decided to do was provide all of you beautiful people with a series of blog posts that are going to come out over the next week or two. I’m going to answer those questions I just asked and I’m going to sell this to you! We are going to call this series… Exodus 16.

Here is the outline of the six posts to come:

1. Basic needs
- What are they?
- Why are basic needs important (examples)?
- How they vary across cultures and examples of how basic needs are met across cultures
- How to use meeting basic needs to spread the word of God, examples from the bible

2. Empowering your target population
- What do you mean Empower?
- Example from my life
- Example from the Bible

3. Two stories about empowerment at the Center
- Mr. Suzuki San
- Mr. Satoshi San

4. Aide and Relief
Is that like building houses and stuff?

5. How does providing English class fit into Disaster Aide and Relief?

6. Soooooo What’s the Plan?


  1. What is that beautiful thing in your hand?

    1. You know I have no idea but it was very sensitive... In fact it did not make it the rest of my hike. The pieces are in crumbles in my back pack right now. I will try to find another one though.

  2. Isn't it a shell from a sea urchin? (Uni :) I'm pretty sure it is! That's what it looks like when it dies and all the spines are off!

    1. ummmm I hope you are right because if so that is awesome... I am probably going to devote a whole day to finding another one and this time being better prepared if that is the case...
